When one of my spiritual confidantes suggested that I bring my music, yoga & Ayurveda practices together, I already had the idea for A Musical Journey Through the Chakras simmering on the back burner. The idea stemmed from a concert I attended many years ago that...
Many years ago some friends invited me to a concert that they assured me would be spectacular. Since I was familiar with their taste in music, I enthusiastically agreed to go with them. To this day, I’m glad I did, because something happened that night that changed...
Recently, I was contemplating how my grandparents influenced me, and decided to honour each of them during their birth month, starting with my paternal Grandma, whose birthday is at the end of July. In many ways my Grandma Ada led an ordinary life for a woman of her...
With the Ayurvedic diet we can truly take control of our health, often without the need for medication and with minimal supplements. One of the key concepts behind an Ayurvedic diet is the 6 tastes: bitter, pungent, astringent, sweet, salty and sour. By understanding...
Our cliché impression that the Gypsies are a mysterious, fortune-telling people who might even put a curse on you if you cross them, strikes real fear into the hearts of outsiders. The Spanish culture as a whole (indeed, most cultures worldwide) seems to have much...