Musings of a Musical Mind


On Friendship and Composing

One of my good friends maintains that a musician’s relationship to their art is very much like any other relationship; it takes time, care and attention, it has its own dynamic and needs nourishment. I agree! Like any other encounter with a friend or lover, every time...

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Full-Body Listening in the Peñas of Seville

I will always remember my first weekend in Seville, Spain, back in 2006. A friend wanted to show me around, so she took me to a little concert at the Peña de Pies Plomo, or the 'Pummelled Feet Peña.’ Peñas are small performance venues seen in many of the Andalusian...

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Racism and Flamenco Culture

Racism has been a big topic in the news lately, as always. The gypsies are arguably one of the most marginalized groups around, and I’m reminded of my time studying in Seville with Señior Paco Fernandez. In Spain, study is often accompanied by a rich sharing...

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In the Recording Studio in Seville, Spain

During my trip to Seville, Spain, last winter, I found myself in a recording studio. The engineer, Isidro, is a successful musician and works as a sideman for a big-name singer. Experimenting in the recording studio is play for him, and does an amazing job of it. He...

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